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Segments allow you to assign “Attributes” to your customers and run metrics only considering customers with specific Attributes. To create a Segment, click the first pill (labeled “All Customers” by default) on any chart and then click “Create Segment.” This will open the panel where you can create the rules for your Segment.

There are two types of Attributes:

Custom Attributes

You can add custom “Attributes” to your customers, which can then be filtered on to create Segments. There are three types of Attributes you can create:

  • Number: Must be a number type in the spreadsheet, and only contain number and decimal characters. Filterable by =, !=, >=, >, <=, <, is empty, is not empty.
  • Date: Must be a date type in the spreadsheet. Filterable by =, !=, >=, >, <=, <, is empty, is not empty.
  • String: Any other spreadsheet data type. Filterable by =. !=, starts with, ends with, contains, doesn't contain, in, not in, is empty, is not empty.

For Excel and GSheet Data Sources, Attributes are added via the “Attributes” tab of the template. Company names are added to this tab automatically via a reference to the the “Customer Revenue” tab. Label Attribute names in the top row, and then fill in Attributes for each customer. If you have an old version of the Excel template that does not have an Attributes tab, download a new Excel file from your existing Data Source page in SaaSGrid.

For Salesforce, HubSpot, and Stripe Data Sources, all fields on the account and contract level can be used as Attributes to create Segments. Filtering on Account fields will remove entire customers from calculations, but filtering on Contract fields will only filter out revenue associated with those specific Contracts.

Computed Attributes

Computed Attributes are calculated by SaaSGrid based on customer revenue. There are two computed Attributes:


A cohort is a set of customers grouped by sign-up period. Excluding cohorts means that metrics will not consider any customers who first had revenue in those months (or who Closed in those months, if enabled via Salesforce). This can be helpful if, for example, you want to look at weighted average Dollar Retention, but do not want to include early customers that may have behaved differently from more recent sign-ups.


A company’s ACV is its MRR * 12. There are two versions of the ACV Attribute:

  1. ACV in the first month a company produced revenue (“First Month”).
  2. ACV in the most recent full month or the month the customer churned, whichever is later (“Last Month”).